Prenatal Doula

Pregnancy is a journey like no other. From those first early weeks to the last trimester, your body goes through some enormous changes as it gets ready for birth.

Looking after yourself in pregnancy is just as important as the days and weeks after birth. It is about eating well, resting when you can and leaning in to what your body needs. I believe taking care of yourself from conception through to postpartum, anything that will make things easier whether that be in the early weeks of pregnancy or a few weeks ahead of giving birth.

Prenatal Packages

Prenatal sessions are all the things you would expect from a postnatal session but during pregnancy. From helping with light housework so you can rest, preparing a delicious lunch or dinner, face or leg massage, to a chat about pregnancy highs and lows. Whatever you need on the day I will make a reality.

If you are wanting to have a freezer filled with nutritious and nourishing meals to enjoy once the baby has been born but struggling to find time to cook this is where I can help. I can batch cook you meals so you can relax knowing you have a freezer full of everything you need to flourish as a new parent.

4 hours 6 hours

£136 £205

12 hours


* These hours can be used during your pregnancy when you feel you need some extra care & support. Payment plans available on 12 hours package *

“Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.”

— Merete Leonhardt-Lupa

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